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Erwin Olaf



Model: Lucy Wills-Wright   Make up– Tom Selmon


Models: Sarah Mercer & Megan Pallagrass

Make up: Tom Selmon


Latest Studio Shoot

Model- Francesca Clark

Make up- Tom Selmom

In Conversation With…Raoul Keil

” The day Madonna graces the cover, is the day I quit”

For my latest uni project we were asked to meet and interview somebody in Industry that inspires our practice. As I have already mentioned I am a huuuuge fan of Schon! magazine and instantly knew who it was that I wanted to meet. One pleading email later and I was fortunate enough to grab some of Raoul Keil’s time. Here are some preview Q&As from our interview before I complete the article for our Zine.

S.C Firstly, can you explain in your own words what you feel Schon! is all about?

R.K Organic. I wouldn’t say we are going against your typical commercial publication but we are definitely different. We are all about collaborating, from photographers to writers to illustrators, whilst recognising up and coming talent.

S.C What inspires you, and how do you keep on top of the latest fashion stories?

R.K Just walking around…being in such a great city inspires me. I get my inspiration from movies, books, exhibitions, but most of all, daily living!

S.C Do you think your own personality reflects in the magazine?

R.K Absolutely!

S.C Who is your reader?

R.K We carried out a survey last year and found that our readers tend to be older, more men than women and industry professionals. Advertising agencies also and we found that Schon! is a collectors item for some. Nineteen74 magazine (Fashion networking site, founded by Raoul) tends to be for a younger crowd.

S.C Who would be the one person you would love to have on your front cover?

R.K I have always said, the day Madonna graces my cover, is the day I quit!

S.C Finally, do you have any advice for a fashion student?

R.K Be kind, genuine and hard working… and always remember, you always meet the same person twice!

It was really nice meeting Raoul and getting an insight into the world behind Schon! Full article will be up soon!

You can also read the latest edition of Schon! here…